So this week I present: The humble Scotch Shortbread.
The recipe card ain't lying when it says "popular biscuits and slices". We make this one (or a variation of it) every Christmas.
So what exactly is the Scotch shortbread? Might as well throw in some history on this easy recipe this week:
Scottish shortbread evolved from medieval biscuit bread, which was a twice-baked, enriched bread roll dusted with sugar and spices and hardened into a Rusk (soft, sweetened biscuit). Eventually butter was substituted for yeast, and shortbread was born. Since butter was such an important ingredient, the word "shortbread" derived from shortening. Shortbread may have been made as early as the 12th Century, however its invention is often attributed to Mary, Queen of Scots in the 16th Century. Petticoat Tails were a traditional form of shortbread said to be enjoyed by the queen. The round shortbread was flavored with caraway seeds, baked and cut into triangular wedges. The triangles resemble the shape of fabric pieces used to make petticoats during the rein of Queen Elizabeth I. Shortbread was also made in individual round biscuits called shortbread rounds and in a rectangular slab, which was cut into thin pieces known as fingers. All of these forms of shortbread are still made today.
In the beginning shortbread was expensive and reserved as a luxury for special occasions like Christmas, Hogmanay (Scottish New Year’s Eve), and weddings. Through the years it developed into an everyday favorite and is now enjoyed all around the world. Traditional shortbread consisted of three main ingredients: flour, sugar and butter. Today many varieties of shortbread exist, but most still include the traditional ingredients. The type and texture of the dry ingredients greatly influences the consistency of the shortbread. The addition of rice flour gives shortbread a grainy, crumbly texture while cornstarch (corn flour) gives it a more dense texture.
Wait, you want to know more about shortbread? You got it!
Bugger, just missed National Shortbread Day.
As you can see, there really isn't all that much in this recipe, nor is it particularly involved.
Beating the egg and vanilla. I forgot to put the butter out to soften so whilst the oven was warming up I put it in there for a while and it softened a little. I could have used the microwave I guess, but that seemed like too much effort.
In our house, the best part about baking is eating the butter mixture. Look at this one, it sure looks delicious!
After adding the sugar this looks amazing. And I'll admit, it tasted damn good too.
So I've added the rice flour and the normal flour and it looks really crumbly. You'd think I'd have put enough butter in there but this begs to differ from the looks of it. Hrmm.
Whilst not on the instructions, I know this is what Mum does with her shortbread, and I thought, hell why not, this is looking pretty bland without it, so I added some yummy sugar on top.
Time for the decorative patterns. I went for a diamond type design but we all know I'm no artist!
So it's been cooked and it doesn't look much different from when it went in the oven. Now the fun part of trying to get it out.
Glad I pre-cut the shapes, because it was tricky getting it out. That first row got a little crumbly, and well I just had to eat some of the bits that broke off. So much for my delicate diamond pattern!
The end result! It turned out well actually, but it's just your run of the mill shortbread. Nothing fancy but it tastes amazing with a nice warm cup of tea and with this rainy weather that we've had in Sydney the past few days, it's perfect :)
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